This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


Извор: Board Game Arena
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Ин Јаипур, еацх плаyер хас а ханд оф цардс wитх вариоус (цолор-цодед) гоодс он тхем. Еацх плаyер алсо хас а стацк оф цамел цардс (тхеир "херд") wхицх ис нот цонсидеред парт оф тхеир ханд. Тхере аре фиве цардс фаце-уп бетwеен тхе плаyерс тхат аре аваилабле фор тхе плаyерс то таке.

Он yоур турн, yоу таке оне оф тхрее ацтионс:

 - Take a single card or all the camels in the face up row: You may take any single goods card from the card row and add it to your hand, or take all the camels in the row and add them to your herd. You are limited to having 7 goods cards in your hand, so you may not take a goods card if you already have 7 goods cards in your hand. (Again, your herd does not count toward this limit.) The card row is then replenished from the deck so it always has 5 cards at the start of a turn.
 - Trade for 2 or more goods cards from the row. You may trade goods cards from your hand or camels from your herd for goods cards from the card row. For every one card you trade from your hand or herd, you may pick up one goods card from the row and add it to your hand. The cards your traded are added to the card row, so it will still have 5 cards.
 - Sell cards to earn points: You may sell one or more cards to earn points, but all the cards you sell must be the same color. If you are selling Diamonds, Gold, or Silver (the red, yellow, and gray cards) you MUST sell at least two cards. Regardless of the type of good, each card you sell lets you take one token of the corresponding color from the bank, starting from the most valuable token. If you sell 3 or more goods, you also earn a bonus token from the corresponding pile (for sales of 3,4, or 5+ goods). The sold goods cards are discarded.

Тхе гаме цонтинуес унтил еитхер:

 - Three piles of goods tokens are depleted, OR
 - The card row cannot be replenished.

Ат тхат поинт, плаyерс тотал тхе поинтс тхеy хаве он тхеир еарнед гоодс токенс анд бонус токенс. Ин аддитион, wхицхевер плаyер хас море цамелс ин тхеир херд ат тхе енд оф тхе роунд еарнс тхе цамел бонус токен, wортх 5 поинтс. Wхицхевер плаyер еарнс море поинтс тотал wинс тхе роунд. Афтер тхе роунд, тхе гаме ресетс анд неw хандс аре деалт. Тхе фирст плаyер то wин тwо роундс wинс тхе гаме.