This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


Izvor: Board Game Arena
Datum izmene: 15. januar 2018. u 14:36; autor: Senatorhung (razgovor | doprinosi) (Created page with "===Completing objectives=== A player can only complete 1 objective (purple) at any time during each of their turns (until the final turn). They may do so if their objective ...")
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Completing objectives

A player can only complete 1 objective (purple) at any time during each of their turns (until the final turn). They may do so if their objective card is matched by the conditions on the board at that time. A completed objective is never lost. Beware .. there are certain cards which will allow opponents to steal cards from your hand.

List of 20 objectives

I. Territory Objectives (4 total)

You must have a certain number of your pawns on territories of a specified colour:

  • 2 on Green - 3 pts
  • 3 on Brown - 4 pts
  • 3 on Orange - 4 pts
  • 3 on Yellow - 4 pts

II. Continental Objectives requiring only 3 pawns (6 total)

You must have 3 of your pawns on the specified continent:

  • Africa : 3 pts
  • Eurasia : 5 pts
  • Oceania : 5 pts
  • South America : 6 pts
  • North America : 6 pts
  • Antarctica : 6 pts

III. Continental Objectives requiring at least 4 pawns (3 total)

You must have 4 of your pawns in the specified configuration:

  • 4 pawns on adjacent countries on the same continent - 5 pts
  • 4 pawns on adjacent countries on at least 2 different continents - 5 pts
  • at least 1 pawn on each of 4 different continents - 5 pts

IV. Pawn Objectives (3 total)

Your evolved pawns on the board must meet these characteristics:

  • 3 pawns of the strongest strength (any colour / height) - 4 pts
  • 3 pawns of the tallest height (any colour / strength) - 4 pts
  • 2 pawns in each of 3 different colours (2 white, 2 brown, 2 black) - 5 pts

V. Innovation Objectives (3 total)

Your current collection of innovation tiles must contain:

  • 3x level 1 - 4 pts
  • 3x level 2 - 6 pts
  • 2x level 3 - 6 pts

VI. Strait Objective (1 total)

Your current collection of strait tokens must contain:

  • 3 strait tokens - 5 pts