This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !
Wелцоме Цхефс!
- Stir Fry Eighteen is a game about cooking stir fry while deceiving your opponents and trying to score the most points at the table. Players draw additional cards each turn by discarding either pairs of matching ingredients or "protein cards” face down. Each player draws a card each turn and then may discard face down ingredients to draw more cards. Chefs at the table can call for a Taste Test and flip these cards over! Catching another chef using false ingredients is super tasty and grants you an extra card but beware, wrongly accusing a chef will cost you all of the cards in your hand!
Аддитионаллy, Стир Фрy Еигхтеен цан бе а моутхфул со wе'ве такен то цаллинг ит "#СФ18" ас yоу маy сее ин тхе рулес.
Цард Фреqуенциес (18 тотал цардс):
- 1 - Chicken - 1 - Pork - 1 - Shrimp - 2 - Ginger - 2 - Green Onion - 3 - Soy Sauce - 3 - Mushrooms - 5 - Noodles
Хоw то Плаy:
- Shuffle the #SF18 deck and deal three cards to each chef. - The chef who most recently ate stir fry goes first!
- At the beginning of your turn draw a card from the deck. - There is no maximum hand size during your turn or another chef’s turn. - You MUST discard down to three cards at the end of your turn.
Тхе фоллоwинг инцлудес тхе ацтионс плаyерс маy таке, инструцтионс он цоокинг, хоw то енд yоур турн, анд алл абоут блуффинг yоур феллоw цхефс ор цаллинг тхеир тасте тестс!
Цхеф’с Ацтионс:
Дисцардинг то драw неw цардс:
- Discarding is done face down and bluffing is encouraged. - Discard a pair of matching ingredients to draw 3 cards. (May only be done once per turn) - You do not have to name the pairs you discard out loud. - Discard a “protein” (chicken, pork, or shrimp) card to draw the value listed on the card. (May only be done once per turn) -*Note that you can only do one of EACH discard type per turn, but may do BOTH every turn if you choose to.
Цоок а Стир Фрy:
- You may cook 3-5 different ingredients once per turn. (no less than 3, no more than 5). - You must have noodles as one ingredient in your stir fry. - No two like ingredients may be cooked in a single stir fry. - If the deck runs out it is NOT reshuffled until you have cooked. - Count your ingredient and bonus scores and record your total. (Take only the single highest value for any bonus.)
Блуффинг анд Тасте Тестс:
- Bluffing is encouraged but your fellow chefs may call a taste test! - Taste test is when a chef claims you’ve lied about your discard. - The accusing chef immediately flips over the card(s). - If the cooking chef's cards are legitimate the accusing chef discards ALL of their cards immediately. - If the accusing chef has no cards they lose 5 points. - You may not call a bluff if under 5 points w/ an empty hand. - If the accusing chef catches the cooking chef in a lie, the accusing chef draws an extra card to begin their next turn. - If a chef is caught bluffing they do not draw cards for the rest of the turn.
- Еxампле: Пат плаyс тwо цардс фаце доwн анд аттемптс то драw тхрее цардс. Ралпх цаллс а тасте тест анд иммедиателy флипс тхе дисцардед цардс овер ревеалинг а гингер анд а греен онион. Ралпх wилл драw оне еxтра цард то старт хис неxт турн анд Пат гетс нотхинг.
- Ноте: Тхис абилитy ис аддитиве. Иф yоу цалл 2 блуффс суццессфуллy приор то yоур неxт турн тхен yоу wоулд драw тwо еxтра цардс то бегин тхат турн.
Wиннинг тхе Гаме:
- The first chef to score 50 points wins! - Above is the basic win condition, after you get acquainted try one of these following slight variants.
- Close the Kitchen Variant - This is a scoring variant. After the first player reaches 50 or higher, each other player may take 1 turn. The highest score at the end of these turns wins. - Master Chef Variant - Play to 300 points! - Empty Pantry Variant - Players do NOT draw a card to start each turn! - Bull's eye Chef Variant - Players must score EXACTLY 50 to win! - **Developed as a mix your own recipe by Thomas W. at PAX South 2016. - Mix your own Recipe! - Did you create your own variant for #SF18? - Share it at!