This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


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This is the reference of functions you can call from your Sandbox scripts.


BGA Sandbox scripts are written in Javascript.

Using Javascript, you can write scripts to automate moves for your Sandbox games & provide rules reinforcement.

Important : in the opposite of the most common usage of Javascript, Sandbox scripts are executed on server side.


To interact with your BGA Sandbox game, we provide you an API.

With this API, you can get properties values of game elements from the current game situation, modify them and/or trigger the game actions (ex : move this element here, flip this card, and so on).

Sandbox Scripts Hello World

From Sandbox editor "interface view" tab, select an element, and access to its property (top right icon).

Go to "Scripts (advanced)" section.

In front of "When this element is clicked", enter "onMyClick".

Close the window. Go to "script view" tab.

Enter the following :

function onMyClick( element_id )
   bga.log("Hello world! You just clicked on element " + element_id + ". Congrats!");

Save & publish your project, starts a test session, click on the previous element : your message appears in the log on the right!

Functions you can use in your Sandbox scripts

Debugging functions

bga.trace( txt )

Write something immediately in the BGA log (on the right of the screen).

This is the most practical way to debug your script :)

Note : you can also pass an object in parameter. This will dump the content of this object in the log.

 // Example : write "Hello world" in the log
 bga.trace( "Hello world" );
 // Example : dump an associative array in the log
 bga.trace( { mykey: 'myvalue', another_key: 'another_value' } );

bga.exit( txt )

Stop the script immediately, display the "txt" messages and cancel (ie : rollback) on every previous API call except bga.trace :

Again : ALL api call are canceled and there will be no visible changes on the interface (ex : no moves, no visible property changes, ...). Only "bga.trace" API commands are kept so you can debug.

bga.exit is very practical when you want to repeat a game action again and again to debug it : with a call to bga.exit at the end of your script, you make sure that your game situation will be kept unchanged after each test.

 // Example :
 bga.exit( "My script is stopped by this call" );

Game log (history)

bga.log( txt, (optional) args )

Write something in the BGA log on the right.

 // Example : simple log
 bga.log( _("A new round starts") );

You may add arguments to your log, like this :

 // Example: log with argument to display a card name.
 //          In this example, variable "event_name" is specified afterwards.
 //          Note that using this, game translators only have to translate one "Event XXX is triggered" string for all possible events.
 bga.log( _("Event ${event_name} is triggered"), {  event_name: _( "Armageddon" ) } ) );

Get / search game elements and their properties

bga.getElementById( id )

Get an object with all the properties of the element with specified ID.

Throw an exception if the element does not exists.

bga.getElementsByIds( ids )

Get all specified elements with an array of ids.

Return an associative array (element_id => element).

bga.getElementsByParent( parent_id )

Get all children (ie : all elements contained) of the specified element_id.

Ex : if you call getElementsByParent on a deck of cards, you'll get all cards.

 // Example : Get all cards of a deck with name "mydeck"
 var cards = bga.getElementsByParent( bga.getElementByName( 'mydeck' ) );

bga.getElementIdByName( name )

Get the ID of a Sandbox element from its name.

Return null if there are no element with this name. Throw an exception if there are more than 1 element with this name.

 // Example :
 var chess_square = bga.getElementIdByName( 'h3' );

bga.getElementsIdsByName( name )

Get the IDs of all Sandbox elements with this name.

 // Example :
 var pawn_pieces_ids = bga.getElementsIdByName( 'pawn' );
 // Result : [ 41, 42, 43, ... ]

Utility methods

bga.isOn( element_id, parent_id )

Return true if "element_id" is a descendant of "parent_id" (ie : if element_id game element has been placed on parent_id game element).

 // Example :
 if( bga.isOn( bga.getElementIfByName( 'Turn counter' ), bga.getElementIfByName( 'Turn 6' ) )
    // Trigger game end

Trigger most common game actions

moveElement( element_id, target_id )

Move element to specified target id.

The exact destination of element depends on target "howToArrange" property ("How elements are arranged on it?" : spreaded/deck/...).

 // Example :
 bga.moveElement( bga.getElementIdByName( 'Turn counter' ), bga.getElementIdByName( 'Turn 3' ) );