This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


Izvor: Board Game Arena
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To create an account, you need to provide an email, user name and password. You can also complete your player profile with some other data.

We store this data. Yep. It would be pretty annoying for you to enter it each time you visit ;)

If you are 'internet paranoid' and you never provide any website with accurate personal information, congratulations! You can skip this section.

If you are not, congratulations! You can also skip this section which is intended only for 'internet paranoid' people anyway... It has been written for compliance with some social network authentication policy (take your bet, there is only two - oh, wait, if you are reading this you probably know). Well, to be fair, I could have left it empty too, the only check made by said social network being that the page exists. But, what would have been the fun in that?

If you are still interested to read on some stuff instead of going straight to playing:

  • Your password is stored encrypted, but the usual precautionary measures apply. You should use a strong password and not use the same one that for sensitive websites. Some people would say never to use the same password, but this looks like excessive blunt force to the head, except for websites with very sensitive information. Shouldn't be the case on a gaming website, but hey, do as you please.
  • We don't share your email with third parties without your consent. Your consent may be implicit in some obvious cases (such as if you take part in a contest with prizes from a publisher, as it will be needed for the publisher to contact you to redeem the prize).
  • Your profile information is visible to other players, as well as your gaming history on the website. So, since anyone can create an account on the site, it should be considered public information. But if you use a pseudonym for your username, it shouldn't be easy to link it to your real identity (in case you would be worried about that).

Hope this all sounds reasonable to you, and that you can now enjoy Board Game Arena without second thoughts!

Cheers and doughnuts,

The admins.