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Gamehelpdarkagent — разлика између измена

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== Goal and Context of DARK AGENT board game : ==
== Goal and Context of DARK AGENT board game : ==

At the head of a secret service, you use your spy satellites (tokens of your color) to coordinate attacks on targets that you designate to your agents :
Players take the role of secret services of nations attempting to eradicate a terrorist threat, an organization known as the UTE.
- Objectives (tiger), Sentinel (gray), enemies Agents (their color), or the Dark Agent (black) you win all their victory points when capturing them and place them in front of you;
UTE is led by Kara, a fighter whose life  was a living hell.
- Equipment (object in a white disk), single use, are taken over to be used and discarded later;
Kara wants to control the world today. The choice no longer exists, she must be eliminated or she will destroy our way of life.
- Special actions (red with no points) Are resolved immediately and remain in place.
Her organization has already infiltrated strategic areas: nuclear submarine, space control center, virology laboratory and the United Nations whose senior official was kidnapped.
You will have to secure these places and deliver the hostage. You do not know who to trust, secret services are forced to act underground, like terrorists do. Infiltrators may be among your own services. To act underground, it will make the best use of space surveillance satellites to locate agents, targets, tactical or strategic places and control the operations.
One or more of your agents can attack a target only if your satellites lets you see both your agents and the target.
When players have had them all, the number of captured target agreed early in the game (2 to 5 on the 5 available), it ends. You can add the capture of the Dark Agent as a further condition endgame.
The player accumulating the most points wins. He adds the points of his agents still on the ground. Also note that each time a player wins an aim, he takes the bonus  3 PV token  to its previous owner.
Unplayed nations are used as neutral nations.

Верзија на датум 8. октобар 2016. у 16:43

Гоал анд Цонтеxт оф ДАРК АГЕНТ боард гаме :

Плаyерс таке тхе роле оф сецрет сервицес оф натионс аттемптинг то ерадицате а террорист тхреат, ан организатион кноwн ас тхе УТЕ. УТЕ ис лед бy Кара, а фигхтер wхосе лифе wас а ливинг хелл. Кара wантс то цонтрол тхе wорлд тодаy. Тхе цхоице но лонгер еxистс, схе муст бе елиминатед ор схе wилл дестроy оур wаy оф лифе. Хер организатион хас алреадy инфилтратед стратегиц ареас: нуцлеар субмарине, спаце цонтрол центер, вирологy лабораторy анд тхе Унитед Натионс wхосе сениор оффициал wас киднаппед. Yоу wилл хаве то сецуре тхесе плацес анд деливер тхе хостаге. Yоу до нот кноw wхо то труст, сецрет сервицес аре форцед то ацт ундергроунд, лике террористс до. Инфилтраторс маy бе амонг yоур оwн сервицес. То ацт ундергроунд, ит wилл маке тхе бест усе оф спаце сурвеилланце сателлитес то лоцате агентс, таргетс, тацтицал ор стратегиц плацес анд цонтрол тхе оператионс.