This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

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(Није приказано 29 међуизмена 2 корисника)
Ред 1: Ред 1:
== '''HIGH FORM RULES''' ==

== Terminology ==
High form is currently only implemented as a two-player game on BGA.
Pieces are ranked in order: '''common, heroic, legendary.''' '''Upgrade''' and '''downgrade''' mean changing the rank of a piece. A higher ranked piece may count (for summoning or tasks) as if it were of lower rank.  
=== Terminology ===
Pieces are ranked in order: '''common, heroic, legendary.''' '''Upgrade''' and '''downgrade''' mean changing the rank of a piece by one step. A higher ranked piece may count (for summoning or tasks) as if it were of lower rank.  

A '''move''' is one square in any direction (including diagonals). A '''leap''' is from any square to any other.
A '''move''' is one square in any direction (including diagonals). A '''leap''' is from any square to any other.
A '''standard move/leap''' is permitted onto any empty square or one occupied by a piece of a lesser rank.
A '''standard move/leap''' is permitted onto any empty square or one occupied by a piece of a lesser rank.
A '''combat move/leap''' is permitted onto any empty square or one occupied by a piece of the same or lesser rank.
A '''combat move/leap''' is permitted onto any empty square or one occupied by a piece of ''the same'' or lesser rank.
Any piece previously occupying the destination square of a move/leap is destroyed. You may destroy your own pieces. "Converting" a piece to a different colour counts as destroying it, but upgrading or downgrading it does not.
When text on a card refers to the name of the Being, it is referring to the piece in the square where it is summoned.

Any existing piece on the destination square of a valid move/leap is destroyed. You may destroy your own pieces.
=== Setup ===
Each player receives 3 cards from their personal deck, plus 2 Legendary Beings and one flare from the common decks. Four cards are drawn for the task queue. The first three are immediately available; the fourth is not yet available. None of the first three tasks may be "advanced" (certain 3-point tasks), and there may not be three tasks of the same type among the four on display (BGA automatically enforces these rules).

== Setup ==
=== Turns ===
Each player receives 3 cards from their personal deck, plus 2 Legendary Beings and one flare from the common decks. Four cards are drawn for the task queue. The first three are available, the fourth not yet available. Three tasks of the same type may not be active at once (BGA automatically enforces this rule).

== Turns ==
The starting player takes a single action. In subsequent turns, each player takes two actions. These may be any of the following:
Each player takes two of the following actions per turn:
* - Place a common piece on any empty square
# Place a common piece on an empty square
* - Summon a being
# Summon a being
* - Discard a card and (optionally) return other cards to the bottom of their decks. ''(Only permitted once per turn.)''
# Discard a card
In addition, before or after any action, a flare may be played, if one or both of its conditions are met.
In addition, before or after any action, a flare may be played, if one or both of its conditions are met.

Once a turn is over:
Once a turn is over:
# You may claim one task card and earn its VPs if you meet its conditions.  
* - You may claim one task card and earn its victory points (VPs) if you meet its conditions.  
# If necessary, replenish your hand from the appropriate decks and update the task queue. (Automated on BGA.)
* - If necessary, replenish your hand from the appropriate decks and update the task queue. (Automated on BGA.)

== Playing a Flare ==
=== Playing a Flare ===
Each flare lists two numbers: X/Y. The top effect may be activated if a player has X fewer upgraded pieces on the board than their opponent; the bottom effect if they have Y fewer pieces in total on the board. Effects activate in top-to-bottom order.
Each flare lists two numbers: X/Y. The top effect may be activated if a player has X fewer upgraded pieces on the board than their opponent; the bottom effect if they have Y fewer pieces in total on the board. Effects activate in top-to-bottom order.

== Summoning ==
=== Summoning ===
If your pieces are in the formation on a Being’s card (in any orientation or mirror image), you may summon the piece given in the card’s top left via a combat leap onto the white square in the pattern. For most beings, the white square is empty, but some require a piece of your own to be present in the square. Once the Being is summoned, resolve the effects listed on its card.
If your pieces are in the formation on a Being’s card (in any orientation or mirror image), you may summon the piece in the top left corner: it is placed via a combat leap onto the white square in the pattern. For most beings, the white square is empty, but some require a piece of your own to be present in the square. Once the Being is summoned, the effects listed on its card are activated.
Patterns for Legendary Beings require one or more heroic pieces. Each legendary piece on the board earns 1 VP. Each player can place a maximum of 3 legendary pieces on the board. If one is destroyed, 1 VP is lost.
=== Discarding ===
Once per turn a player may discard a card. They may also return as many other cards as they like (regular cards, legends, flares) to the bottom of the appropriate decks. Once the turn is over, they replenish their hand as usual.
=== Running Out of Pieces ===
If a player needs to place a piece and has no more in stock, they must pick up one from the board before placing the new piece. (Heroic and common pieces come from the same pool--in the original boardgame, they are reverse sides of the same piece--but there are only three legendary pieces for each colour.)

The patterns for Legendary Beings require one or more heroic piece. Each legendary piece on the board earns 1 VP. Each player can have a maximum of 3 legendary pieces on the board. If one is destroyed, 1 VP is lost.
=== Game End and Scoring ===
When one player scores 9 VPs or draws the last card from their own deck, game end is triggered. Everyone plays one more turn, including the player who triggered endgame. Even if their score decreases below 9 due to destruction of a legendary piece, the game still ends.

== Discarding ==
High score wins. Tiebreakers are, in order, (1) number of upgraded pieces; (2) total number of pieces.
Once per turn a player may discard a card. They may also return as many other cards as they like (regular cards, legends, flares) to the bottom of their decks. Once the turn is over they replenish their hand as usual.  

== Running Out of Pieces ==
If a player needs to place a piece and has no more in stock, they must pick up one from the board before placing the new piece.

== Game End and Scoring ==
No tasks are used. Opening positions are marked on the game board. The first player to score 18 VPs triggers the endgame.  
When one player scores 9 points or draws the last card from their own deck, game end is triggered. Everyone plays one more turn, including the player who triggered endgame. If their score decreases below 9 due to destruction of a legendary piece, the game still ends.

High score wins. Tiebreakers are, in order, (1) number of heroic pieces; (2) total number of pieces.
Destroying pieces scores VPs as follows:
* - 1 VP for every 2 common pieces, rounded down
* - 1 VP for a heroic piece
* - 2 VPs for a legendary piece

Summoning a legend scores 1 VP. This VP is not lost if the piece is later destroyed.

If you play a flare your opponent gains 1 VP.

No tasks are used. The first player to score 18 points triggers the endgame.

Destroying pieces scores points as follows:
Setup: In three-player Deathmatch, the third player places one common piece adjacent to each diamond symbol. In four-player Deathmatch, the fourth player places one common piece adjacent to each diamond symbol for the first, third and fourth players. As usual, the first player only gets one action. (Sounds complicated? Don't worry, BGA automates the setup.)
* 1 point for every 2 common pieces, rounded down
* 1 point for a heroic piece
* 2 points for a legendary piece

Summoning a legend scores 1 point. (The point is not lost if the piece is later destroyed.)
Scores are tracked separately in each colour. Your final score is the lowest of these scores. (The second and, in 4-player games, third lowest scores are used as tiebreakers.)

If you play a flare your opponent gains 1 point.
When you score common pieces, first all common colour pairs are scored; then, if two common pieces of different colours remain, you may choose which colour to score against.

When you summon a legend, you may choose which opponent to score 1 VP against.

You may meet one or both criteria for a flare against multiple opponents, in which case you may choose whom to trigger it against (and give them 1 VP).

Scores are tracked separately in each colour. Your final score is the lowest score. (The second and if necessary/applicbable third lowest scores are used as tiebreakers.)
Endgame is triggered by a player scoring 12 (for three-player) or 10 (for four-player) VPs in a single colour.

Endgame is triggered by a player scoring 12 (for three-player) or 10 (for four-player) in a single colour.
=== Improvised Summoning ===

== Improvised Summoning ==
Once per game, and once for each opponent's colour, a player may use an opponent's piece as their own when summoning a Being. (Thus in a 3-player game, a player may perform two improvised summonings; in a 4-player game, three--one for each opponent's colour.) Only one piece may be used per improvised summoning: you may not use two different opponents' pieces simultaneously.

Once per game, each player is permitted to use one piece of each opponent as their own when summoning a Being. (Thus in a 3-player game, a player may perform two improvised summonings; in a 4-player game, three--one for each opponent's colour.)
Several Beings in the Everfrost deck have "frozen effects". These effects do not have to take place immediately upon summoning; they can be activated later ("thawed"), like a flare. Only one such frozen effect may be stored at a time; if you summon a Being with a frozen effect and already have one in storage, you must discard one or the other frozen effect.

Тренутна верзија на датум 20. октобар 2017. у 16:35


Хигх форм ис цуррентлy онлy имплементед ас а тwо-плаyер гаме он БГА.


Пиецес аре ранкед ин ордер: цоммон, хероиц, легендарy. Упграде анд доwнграде меан цхангинг тхе ранк оф а пиеце бy оне степ. А хигхер ранкед пиеце маy цоунт (фор суммонинг ор таскс) ас иф ит wере оф лоwер ранк.

А мове ис оне сqуаре ин анy дирецтион (инцлудинг диагоналс). А леап ис фром анy сqуаре то анy отхер. А стандард мове/леап ис пермиттед онто анy емптy сqуаре ор оне оццупиед бy а пиеце оф а лессер ранк. А цомбат мове/леап ис пермиттед онто анy емптy сqуаре ор оне оццупиед бy а пиеце оф тхе саме ор лессер ранк.

Анy пиеце превиоуслy оццупyинг тхе дестинатион сqуаре оф а мове/леап ис дестроyед. Yоу маy дестроy yоур оwн пиецес. "Цонвертинг" а пиеце то а дифферент цолоур цоунтс ас дестроyинг ит, бут упградинг ор доwнградинг ит доес нот.

Wхен теxт он а цард реферс то тхе наме оф тхе Беинг, ит ис реферринг то тхе пиеце ин тхе сqуаре wхере ит ис суммонед.


Еацх плаyер рецеивес 3 цардс фром тхеир персонал децк, плус 2 Легендарy Беингс анд оне фларе фром тхе цоммон децкс. Фоур цардс аре драwн фор тхе таск qуеуе. Тхе фирст тхрее аре иммедиателy аваилабле; тхе фоуртх ис нот yет аваилабле. Ноне оф тхе фирст тхрее таскс маy бе "адванцед" (цертаин 3-поинт таскс), анд тхере маy нот бе тхрее таскс оф тхе саме тyпе амонг тхе фоур он дисплаy (БГА аутоматицаллy енфорцес тхесе рулес).


Тхе стартинг плаyер такес а сингле ацтион. Ин субсеqуент турнс, еацх плаyер такес тwо ацтионс. Тхесе маy бе анy оф тхе фоллоwинг:

  • - Плаце а цоммон пиеце он анy емптy сqуаре
  • - Суммон а беинг
  • - Дисцард а цард анд (оптионаллy) ретурн отхер цардс то тхе боттом оф тхеир децкс. (Онлy пермиттед онце пер турн.)

Ин аддитион, бефоре ор афтер анy ацтион, а фларе маy бе плаyед, иф оне ор ботх оф итс цондитионс аре мет.

Онце а турн ис овер:

  • - Yоу маy цлаим оне таск цард анд еарн итс вицторy поинтс (ВПс) иф yоу меет итс цондитионс.
  • - Иф нецессарy, репленисх yоур ханд фром тхе аппроприате децкс анд упдате тхе таск qуеуе. (Аутоматед он БГА.)

Плаyинг а Фларе

Еацх фларе листс тwо нумберс: X/Y. Тхе топ еффецт маy бе ацтиватед иф а плаyер хас X феwер упградед пиецес он тхе боард тхан тхеир оппонент; тхе боттом еффецт иф тхеy хаве Y феwер пиецес ин тотал он тхе боард. Еффецтс ацтивате ин топ-то-боттом ордер.


Иф yоур пиецес аре ин тхе форматион он а Беинг’с цард (ин анy ориентатион ор миррор имаге), yоу маy суммон тхе пиеце ин тхе топ лефт цорнер: ит ис плацед виа а цомбат леап онто тхе wхите сqуаре ин тхе паттерн. Фор мост беингс, тхе wхите сqуаре ис емптy, бут соме реqуире а пиеце оф yоур оwн то бе пресент ин тхе сqуаре. Онце тхе Беинг ис суммонед, тхе еффецтс листед он итс цард аре ацтиватед.

Паттернс фор Легендарy Беингс реqуире оне ор море хероиц пиецес. Еацх легендарy пиеце он тхе боард еарнс 1 ВП. Еацх плаyер цан плаце а маxимум оф 3 легендарy пиецес он тхе боард. Иф оне ис дестроyед, 1 ВП ис лост.


Онце пер турн а плаyер маy дисцард а цард. Тхеy маy алсо ретурн ас манy отхер цардс ас тхеy лике (регулар цардс, легендс, фларес) то тхе боттом оф тхе аппроприате децкс. Онце тхе турн ис овер, тхеy репленисх тхеир ханд ас усуал.

Руннинг Оут оф Пиецес

Иф а плаyер неедс то плаце а пиеце анд хас но море ин стоцк, тхеy муст пицк уп оне фром тхе боард бефоре плацинг тхе неw пиеце. (Хероиц анд цоммон пиецес цоме фром тхе саме поол--ин тхе оригинал боардгаме, тхеy аре реверсе сидес оф тхе саме пиеце--бут тхере аре онлy тхрее легендарy пиецес фор еацх цолоур.)

Гаме Енд анд Сцоринг

Wхен оне плаyер сцорес 9 ВПс ор драwс тхе ласт цард фром тхеир оwн децк, гаме енд ис триггеред. Еверyоне плаyс оне море турн, инцлудинг тхе плаyер wхо триггеред ендгаме. Евен иф тхеир сцоре децреасес белоw 9 дуе то деструцтион оф а легендарy пиеце, тхе гаме стилл ендс.

Хигх сцоре wинс. Тиебреакерс аре, ин ордер, (1) нумбер оф упградед пиецес; (2) тотал нумбер оф пиецес.


Но таскс аре усед. Опенинг поситионс аре маркед он тхе гаме боард. Тхе фирст плаyер то сцоре 18 ВПс триггерс тхе ендгаме.

Дестроyинг пиецес сцорес ВПс ас фоллоwс:

  • - 1 ВП фор еверy 2 цоммон пиецес, роундед доwн
  • - 1 ВП фор а хероиц пиеце
  • - 2 ВПс фор а легендарy пиеце

Суммонинг а легенд сцорес 1 ВП. Тхис ВП ис нот лост иф тхе пиеце ис латер дестроyед.

Иф yоу плаy а фларе yоур оппонент гаинс 1 ВП.


Сетуп: Ин тхрее-плаyер Деатхматцх, тхе тхирд плаyер плацес оне цоммон пиеце адјацент то еацх диамонд сyмбол. Ин фоур-плаyер Деатхматцх, тхе фоуртх плаyер плацес оне цоммон пиеце адјацент то еацх диамонд сyмбол фор тхе фирст, тхирд анд фоуртх плаyерс. Ас усуал, тхе фирст плаyер онлy гетс оне ацтион. (Соундс цомплицатед? Дон'т wоррy, БГА аутоматес тхе сетуп.)

Сцорес аре трацкед сепарателy ин еацх цолоур. Yоур финал сцоре ис тхе лоwест оф тхесе сцорес. (Тхе сецонд анд, ин 4-плаyер гамес, тхирд лоwест сцорес аре усед ас тиебреакерс.)

Wхен yоу сцоре цоммон пиецес, фирст алл цоммон цолоур паирс аре сцоред; тхен, иф тwо цоммон пиецес оф дифферент цолоурс ремаин, yоу маy цхоосе wхицх цолоур то сцоре агаинст.

Wхен yоу суммон а легенд, yоу маy цхоосе wхицх оппонент то сцоре 1 ВП агаинст.

Yоу маy меет оне ор ботх цритериа фор а фларе агаинст мултипле оппонентс, ин wхицх цасе yоу маy цхоосе wхом то триггер ит агаинст (анд гиве тхем 1 ВП).

Ендгаме ис триггеред бy а плаyер сцоринг 12 (фор тхрее-плаyер) ор 10 (фор фоур-плаyер) ВПс ин а сингле цолоур.

Импровисед Суммонинг

Онце пер гаме, анд онце фор еацх оппонент'с цолоур, а плаyер маy усе ан оппонент'с пиеце ас тхеир оwн wхен суммонинг а Беинг. (Тхус ин а 3-плаyер гаме, а плаyер маy перформ тwо импровисед суммонингс; ин а 4-плаyер гаме, тхрее--оне фор еацх оппонент'с цолоур.) Онлy оне пиеце маy бе усед пер импровисед суммонинг: yоу маy нот усе тwо дифферент оппонентс' пиецес симултанеоуслy.


Северал Беингс ин тхе Еверфрост децк хаве "фрозен еффецтс". Тхесе еффецтс до нот хаве то таке плаце иммедиателy упон суммонинг; тхеy цан бе ацтиватед латер ("тхаwед"), лике а фларе. Онлy оне суцх фрозен еффецт маy бе сторед ат а тиме; иф yоу суммон а Беинг wитх а фрозен еффецт анд алреадy хаве оне ин стораге, yоу муст дисцард оне ор тхе отхер фрозен еффецт.