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(Created page with "Remember When ... is a family party game for 3-6 players, ages 8 and up. The players represent retired super heroes and reformed super villains who have gotten together, year...")
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Remember When ... is a family party game for 3-6 players, ages 8 and up.
Remember When ... is a family party game for 3-6 players, ages 8 and up.  Note that the game is extremely language dependent, as essentially a storytelling game, in English.

The players represent retired super heroes and reformed super villains who have gotten together, years later, to reminisce about their earlier adventures. But, as always happens at occasions like this, each is trying to outdo their peers by bragging about an even more amazing story of what they once did. But the really funny part is that everyone's memories are faulty because they are now going senile, and they're relying on their "friends" to help them fill in the blanks! So while the hero or villain might really have a great story to tell, what comes out of their mouth ends up being VERY different. Each player has two goals - 1) To be the best at helping the other players in remembering correctly, and 2) To come up with your own memory/adventure that your peers agree is the best one of all!
The players represent retired super heroes and reformed super villains who have gotten together, years later, to reminisce about their earlier adventures. But, as always happens at occasions like this, each is trying to outdo their peers by bragging about an even more amazing story of what they once did. But the really funny part is that everyone's memories are faulty because they are now going senile, and they're relying on their "friends" to help them fill in the blanks! So while the hero or villain might really have a great story to tell, what comes out of their mouth ends up being VERY different. Each player has two goals - 1) To be the best at helping the other players in remembering correctly, and 2) To come up with your own memory/adventure that your peers agree is the best one of all!

Remember When ... comes with hundreds of unique cards, each with 4 words/phrases on it's 4 sides. There are ZERO repeats, meaning there are over a billion billion different combinations!  On the Active Player's turn they are creating a memory with 7 or different cards, each representing a different part of the memory. 1) WHEN they did this, 2) WHERE they did this, 3) HOW they did this (i.e. Adverb), 4) The ACTION that they took (i.e. Verb), 5) The DESCRIPTION of the object of their memory (i.e. Adjective), 6) The OBJECT of their memory (i.e. Noun), and 7) WHY they took this action. For example, "Remember When ..., while looking for my other sock, in the crowded grocery store, I repeatedly kissed the furry caveman because the Great Conjunction was at hand!?"
Remember When... comes with hundreds of unique cards, each with 4 words/phrases on its 4 sides. There are ZERO repeats, meaning there are over a billion billion different combinations!  On the Active Player's turn they are creating a memory with 7 or different cards, each representing a different part of the memory. 1) WHEN they did this, 2) WHERE they did this, 3) HOW they did this (i.e. Adverb), 4) The ACTION that they took (i.e. Verb), 5) The DESCRIPTION of the object of their memory (i.e. Adjective), 6) The OBJECT of their memory (i.e. Noun), and 7) WHY they took this action. For example, "Remember When ..., while looking for my other sock, in the crowded grocery store, I repeatedly kissed the furry caveman because the Great Conjunction was at hand!?"

But the Active Player does not create this Sentence/Memory from their own cards. The other players are rapidly trying to assist the Active Player by submitting one card each. The Object and the Action Taken are determined first and read out loud, so the players have some context for their card submissions. Once one card of a type/color (i.e. "Blue") has been submitted then another available color must be submitted. As the players submit their cards to the Active Player, face down, they are trying to guess which of those 4 words/phrases the Active Player will actually choose. If they are correct in their guesses then they will get points for "helping".
But the Active Player does not create this Sentence/Memory from their own cards. The other players are rapidly trying to assist the Active Player by submitting one card each. The Object and the Action Taken are determined first and read out loud, so the players have some context for their card submissions. Once one card of a type/color (i.e. "Blue") has been submitted then another available color must be submitted. As the players submit their cards to the Active Player, face down, they are trying to guess which of those 4 words/phrases the Active Player will actually choose. When the person building a memory matches the guess of the person who gave them the card, they both score a point.

Once the Active Player has assembled their sentence, scored it for "helping points", then they read the completed sentence aloud (we suggest as dramatically as possible). This is because the other players will be voting on which memory of the evening is the most exciting of all!
Once the Active Player has assembled their sentence, scored it for "helping points", then they read the completed sentence aloud (we suggest as dramatically as possible). This is because the other players will be voting on which memory of the evening is the most exciting of all! The person whose memory is voted the best at the end of the game scores two bonus points.
Additionally, in the BGA version the last memory standing at the end of the game scores 2 bonus points.  In the physical/home version of the game there are 2 winners at the end of each game - Most Points and Best Memory.  The home version also accommodates up to 9 players, adds optional Orange famous personality cards in place of "the"  , and comes with blank cards so that you can create your own.
Remember When... occupies a unique space in BGA's library. It is a very easy, casual game where we hope that parents and children alike will enjoy just being silly and letting their imaginations run wild.
Please see our latest tutorial, with the updated artwork by our friend Matthew Moeller.  Thanks for trying the game out, and please spread the word!
We are also actively seeking a publisher.  If you have any ideas or contacts please let us know.

Тренутна верзија на датум 7. децембар 2017. у 11:28

Ремембер Wхен ... ис а фамилy партy гаме фор 3-6 плаyерс, агес 8 анд уп. Ноте тхат тхе гаме ис еxтремелy лангуаге депендент, ас ессентиаллy а сторyтеллинг гаме, ин Енглисх.

Тхе плаyерс репресент ретиред супер хероес анд реформед супер виллаинс wхо хаве готтен тогетхер, yеарс латер, то реминисце абоут тхеир еарлиер адвентурес. Бут, ас алwаyс хаппенс ат оццасионс лике тхис, еацх ис трyинг то оутдо тхеир пеерс бy браггинг абоут ан евен море амазинг сторy оф wхат тхеy онце дид. Бут тхе реаллy фуннy парт ис тхат еверyоне'с мемориес аре фаултy бецаусе тхеy аре ноw гоинг сениле, анд тхеy'ре релyинг он тхеир "фриендс" то хелп тхем филл ин тхе бланкс! Со wхиле тхе херо ор виллаин мигхт реаллy хаве а греат сторy то телл, wхат цомес оут оф тхеир моутх ендс уп беинг ВЕРY дифферент. Еацх плаyер хас тwо гоалс - 1) То бе тхе бест ат хелпинг тхе отхер плаyерс ин ремемберинг цоррецтлy, анд 2) То цоме уп wитх yоур оwн меморy/адвентуре тхат yоур пеерс агрее ис тхе бест оне оф алл!

Ремембер Wхен... цомес wитх хундредс оф униqуе цардс, еацх wитх 4 wордс/пхрасес он итс 4 сидес. Тхере аре ЗЕРО репеатс, меанинг тхере аре овер а биллион биллион дифферент цомбинатионс! Он тхе Ацтиве Плаyер'с турн тхеy аре цреатинг а меморy wитх 7 ор дифферент цардс, еацх репресентинг а дифферент парт оф тхе меморy. 1) WХЕН тхеy дид тхис, 2) WХЕРЕ тхеy дид тхис, 3) ХОW тхеy дид тхис (и.е. Адверб), 4) Тхе АЦТИОН тхат тхеy тоок (и.е. Верб), 5) Тхе ДЕСЦРИПТИОН оф тхе објецт оф тхеир меморy (и.е. Адјецтиве), 6) Тхе ОБЈЕЦТ оф тхеир меморy (и.е. Ноун), анд 7) WХY тхеy тоок тхис ацтион. Фор еxампле, "Ремембер Wхен ..., wхиле лоокинг фор мy отхер соцк, ин тхе цроwдед гроцерy сторе, I репеатедлy киссед тхе фуррy цавеман бецаусе тхе Греат Цоњунцтион wас ат ханд!?"

Бут тхе Ацтиве Плаyер доес нот цреате тхис Сентенце/Меморy фром тхеир оwн цардс. Тхе отхер плаyерс аре рапидлy трyинг то ассист тхе Ацтиве Плаyер бy субмиттинг оне цард еацх. Тхе Објецт анд тхе Ацтион Такен аре детерминед фирст анд реад оут лоуд, со тхе плаyерс хаве соме цонтеxт фор тхеир цард субмиссионс. Онце оне цард оф а тyпе/цолор (и.е. "Блуе") хас беен субмиттед тхен анотхер аваилабле цолор муст бе субмиттед. Ас тхе плаyерс субмит тхеир цардс то тхе Ацтиве Плаyер, фаце доwн, тхеy аре трyинг то гуесс wхицх оф тхосе 4 wордс/пхрасес тхе Ацтиве Плаyер wилл ацтуаллy цхоосе. Wхен тхе персон буилдинг а меморy матцхес тхе гуесс оф тхе персон wхо гаве тхем тхе цард, тхеy ботх сцоре а поинт.

Онце тхе Ацтиве Плаyер хас ассемблед тхеир сентенце, сцоред ит фор "хелпинг поинтс", тхен тхеy реад тхе цомплетед сентенце алоуд (wе суггест ас драматицаллy ас поссибле). Тхис ис бецаусе тхе отхер плаyерс wилл бе вотинг он wхицх меморy оф тхе евенинг ис тхе мост еxцитинг оф алл! Тхе персон wхосе меморy ис вотед тхе бест ат тхе енд оф тхе гаме сцорес тwо бонус поинтс.

Аддитионаллy, ин тхе БГА версион тхе ласт меморy стандинг ат тхе енд оф тхе гаме сцорес 2 бонус поинтс. Ин тхе пхyсицал/хоме версион оф тхе гаме тхере аре 2 wиннерс ат тхе енд оф еацх гаме - Мост Поинтс анд Бест Меморy. Тхе хоме версион алсо аццоммодатес уп то 9 плаyерс, аддс оптионал Оранге фамоус персоналитy цардс ин плаце оф "тхе" , анд цомес wитх бланк цардс со тхат yоу цан цреате yоур оwн.

Ремембер Wхен... оццупиес а униqуе спаце ин БГА'с либрарy. Ит ис а верy еасy, цасуал гаме wхере wе хопе тхат парентс анд цхилдрен алике wилл ењоy јуст беинг силлy анд леттинг тхеир имагинатионс рун wилд.

Плеасе сее оур латест туториал, wитх тхе упдатед артwорк бy оур фриенд Маттхеw Моеллер. Тханкс фор трyинг тхе гаме оут, анд плеасе спреад тхе wорд!

Wе аре алсо ацтивелy сеекинг а публисхер. Иф yоу хаве анy идеас ор цонтацтс плеасе лет ус кноw.