This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Gamehelpledernierpeuple — разлика између измена

Извор: Board Game Arena
Пређи на навигацију Пређи на претрагу
(Није приказано 9 међуизмена другог корисника)
Ред 18: Ред 18:

A grey downward arrow allows you to move your meeple ; a black upward arrow allows you to move any opponent's meeple. Each arrow gives 2 possibilities :  
A grey downward arrow allows you to move your meeple ; a black upward arrow allows you to move any opponent's meeple. Each arrow gives 2 possibilities :  
  (a) moving a meeple by the number indicated in the circle (positive = clockwise ; negative = unclockwise); OR  
  (a) moving a meeple by the number indicated in the circle  
    (positive = clockwise ; negative = unclockwise); OR  
  (b) moving a meeple toward the card with the number indicated in the square.
  (b) moving a meeple toward the card with the number indicated in the square.

Some movement cards have 2 small numbers next to the big circled number. The big number X is always the addition of the 2 small numbers Y and +/- 1 : X=Y+1 or X=Y-1. It means that, by using this card, you'll first move the meeple by Y cards, then see if an event (attack or supply) occurs. If yes, solve the event, and redeploy the involved meeples normally. If no event occurs, move the meeple once more.
Some movement cards have 2 small numbers next to the big circled number. The big number X is always the addition of the 2 small numbers Y and +/- 1 : X=Y+1 or X=Y-1. It means that, by using this card, you'll first move the meeple by Y cards, then see if an event (attack or supply) occurs. If yes, solve the event, and redeploy the involved meeples normally. If no event occurs, move the meeple once more.

If your meeple ends up on a card with a pickaxe, you draw a power card (purple outline).

You'll gain points by surrounding any "home" card with your 2 meeples or with 1 of your meeple and one opponent's meeple.
You'll gain points by surrounding any "home" card with your 2 meeples or with 1 of your meeple and one opponent's meeple.

If your meeple ends up on a card with a pickaxe, you draw a power card (purple outline).
=== Resolving attacks and supplies ===
== Resolving attacks and supplies ==

''Supply'' : If a player surrounds his own "home" card with his 2 meeples, he gets 2 points.
''Supply'' : If a player surrounds his own "home" card with his 2 meeples, he gets 2 points.
Ред 36: Ред 36:
''Sneaky attack'' : If a home card is surrounded by a meeple of the active player and another player's meeple, the active player gets 2 points, the other meeple's owner gets 1 point, and the attacked player loses 1 point.
''Sneaky attack'' : If a home card is surrounded by a meeple of the active player and another player's meeple, the active player gets 2 points, the other meeple's owner gets 1 point, and the attacked player loses 1 point.

== Redeployment ==
=== Redeployment ===

If an attack or a supply has been made, then both meeples involved will be redeployed. The meeple of the active player gets redeployed first ; then the other meeple (of the same player, or of another player).
If an attack or a supply has been made, then both meeples involved will be redeployed. The meeple of the active player gets redeployed first ; then the other meeple (of the same player, or of another player).
Ред 44: Ред 44:
Basically, on BGA, this will mean the 2 meeples will be teleported randomly to some card on the board.
Basically, on BGA, this will mean the 2 meeples will be teleported randomly to some card on the board.

== Power Cards ==
== Power Card Details ==
(Card names may not match BGA exactly since Google translate used:
(Card names may not match BGA exactly since Google translate used:

Strength: Win a token "2 VP" of the bank.
=== Played on your turn during Power Card phase ===
Strength: Win 2 VPs from the bank.

Care: Win a token "1 VP" of the bank.
Heal: Win 1 VP from the bank.

Thief: Steal 1 VP to the player of your choice (if not token "1 VP", he must make change with the bank to give you that VP).
Thief: Steal 1 VP from the player of your choice.

Bandit: Steal a card at random from the hand of the player of your choice.
Bandit: Steal a card at random from the hand of the player of your choice.

Hex: The player must make your choice (if possible) 1 VP at the bank (if not token "1 VP", he must make change with the bank to make this VP).
Curse: The player of your choice returns 1 VP to the bank.

Black Magic: Randomly select from a card from an opponent's hand and discard the card without applying the effect.
Black Magic: Randomly select from a card from an opponent's hand and discard the card without applying the effect.
Ред 65: Ред 67:
Mace: The player of your choice must spend his next turn.
Mace: The player of your choice must spend his next turn.

Swap: Swap one of your pawns with the player of your choice. (Do not solve the possible action generated by this new configuration.)
Switch: Swap one of your pawns with another pawn of the player of your choice. (Do not resolve the possible action generated by this new configuration.)

Chance: Draw 1 movement card and 1 power card and add them to your hand.
Luck: Draw 1 movement card and 1 power card and add them to your hand.

The next card is to play out of turn when is the target of an attack or card "power" (except "Swap").
=== Played out of turn in response to an attack or power card (except Swap) ===

Defence: You do not suffer the effect and the attackers or do not earn VP. Moreover, in case of attack countered attackers pawns are still repositioned.
Defence: You do not suffer the effect and the attackers do not earn VPs. Moreover, in case of attack countered attackers pawns are still repositioned.

Тренутна верзија на датум 7. децембар 2015. у 04:57

Ин "Ле Дерниер Пеупле" (Тхе Ласт Фолкс), yоу персонифy а пеопле.

Еацх плаyер хас а "хоме" цард wхицх оф хис/хер цолор. Yоу плаy цардс то мове yоур 2 мееплес ароунд тхе цардс'с цирцле анд гаин поинтс.


Реацх 12 поинтс.

А турн

Поwер Цардс Пхасе (оптионал)

Yоу цан усе а поwер цард (тхосе цардс аре цоллецтед он пицкаxес). Еацх цард хас а униqуе еффецт - реад ит бy ховеринг тхе цард ин yоур ханд wитх yоур моусе. Сее сецтион белоw фор море детаилс он еацх специфиц поwер цард.

Мовемент Пхасе

Yоу хаве то цхосе бетwеен:

(a) drawing 2 movement cards; OR
(b) use 1 movement card then draw 1 movement card.

А греy доwнwард арроw аллоwс yоу то мове yоур меепле ; а блацк упwард арроw аллоwс yоу то мове анy оппонент'с меепле. Еацх арроw гивес 2 поссибилитиес :

(a) moving a meeple by the number indicated in the circle 
    (positive = clockwise ; negative = unclockwise); OR 
(b) moving a meeple toward the card with the number indicated in the square.

Соме мовемент цардс хаве 2 смалл нумберс неxт то тхе биг цирцлед нумбер. Тхе биг нумбер X ис алwаyс тхе аддитион оф тхе 2 смалл нумберс Y анд +/- 1 : X=Y+1 ор X=Y-1. Ит меанс тхат, бy усинг тхис цард, yоу'лл фирст мове тхе меепле бy Y цардс, тхен сее иф ан евент (аттацк ор супплy) оццурс. Иф yес, солве тхе евент, анд редеплоy тхе инволвед мееплес нормаллy. Иф но евент оццурс, мове тхе меепле онце море.

Иф yоур меепле ендс уп он а цард wитх а пицкаxе, yоу драw а поwер цард (пурпле оутлине).

Yоу'лл гаин поинтс бy сурроундинг анy "хоме" цард wитх yоур 2 мееплес ор wитх 1 оф yоур меепле анд оне оппонент'с меепле.

Ресолвинг аттацкс анд супплиес

Супплy : Иф а плаyер сурроундс хис оwн "хоме" цард wитх хис 2 мееплес, хе гетс 2 поинтс.

Нобле Аттацк : Иф а плаyер сурроундс анотхер плаyер'с "хоме" цард wитх хис 2 мееплес, хе wинс 3 поинтс, анд тхе аттацкед еннемy лосес 1 поинт.

Снеакy аттацк : Иф а хоме цард ис сурроундед бy а меепле оф тхе ацтиве плаyер анд анотхер плаyер'с меепле, тхе ацтиве плаyер гетс 2 поинтс, тхе отхер меепле'с оwнер гетс 1 поинт, анд тхе аттацкед плаyер лосес 1 поинт.


Иф ан аттацк ор а супплy хас беен маде, тхен ботх мееплес инволвед wилл бе редеплоyед. Тхе меепле оф тхе ацтиве плаyер гетс редеплоyед фирст ; тхен тхе отхер меепле (оф тхе саме плаyер, ор оф анотхер плаyер).

А мовемент цард ис драwн, анд тхе меепле ис мовед тоwард тхе цард wитх тхе нумбер индицатед ин тхе сqуаре. Саме процесс фор тхе сецонд меепле.

Басицаллy, он БГА, тхис wилл меан тхе 2 мееплес wилл бе телепортед рандомлy то соме цард он тхе боард.

Поwер Цард Детаилс

(Цард намес маy нот матцх БГА еxацтлy синце Гоогле транслате усед:

Плаyед он yоур турн дуринг Поwер Цард пхасе

Стренгтх: Wин 2 ВПс фром тхе банк.

Хеал: Wин 1 ВП фром тхе банк.

Тхиеф: Стеал 1 ВП фром тхе плаyер оф yоур цхоице.

Бандит: Стеал а цард ат рандом фром тхе ханд оф тхе плаyер оф yоур цхоице.

Цурсе: Тхе плаyер оф yоур цхоице ретурнс 1 ВП то тхе банк.

Блацк Магиц: Рандомлy селецт фром а цард фром ан оппонент'с ханд анд дисцард тхе цард wитхоут апплyинг тхе еффецт.

Бартер: Траде yоур ханд оф цардс wитх тхе плаyер оф yоур цхоице.

Спеед: Плаy 2 цонсецутиве роундс.

Маце: Тхе плаyер оф yоур цхоице муст спенд хис неxт турн.

Сwитцх: Сwап оне оф yоур паwнс wитх анотхер паwн оф тхе плаyер оф yоур цхоице. (До нот ресолве тхе поссибле ацтион генератед бy тхис неw цонфигуратион.)

Луцк: Драw 1 мовемент цард анд 1 поwер цард анд адд тхем то yоур ханд.

Плаyед оут оф турн ин респонсе то ан аттацк ор поwер цард (еxцепт Сwап)

Дефенце: Yоу до нот суффер тхе еффецт анд тхе аттацкерс до нот еарн ВПс. Мореовер, ин цасе оф аттацк цоунтеред аттацкерс паwнс аре стилл репоситионед.